Join the Board

The Role of the Board of Directors and the Expectations of Members

The Board of Directors provides leadership to fulfill the mission of Wish Granters by partnership with staff in building relationships with key organizational stakeholders to enhance concern and awareness for Wish Granters, drive revenue generation, and provide care and support to wish recipients.

Members of the Board are expected to work individually and collectively to ensure that the Board fulfills its role. To meet that expectation, each Board member is committed to:

  1. Positively represent Wish Granters in the community.
  2. Prepare for and actively participate in board meetings by attending at least 3 out of 4 meetings annually.
  3. Serve on board for a minimum of 1 term (2 years), not to exceed 3 consecutive terms, or 6 years.
  4. Support Wish Granters financially by participating in the identification and solicitation of corporate partners, foundations, and/or donors, generating a minimum of $3000 annually (‘Give or Get’).
  5. Take the lead/co-lead on one quarterly Board goal and/or chair a committee.
  6. Provide input to and assist in the board’s strategic implementation plan.
  7. Identify and recruit leadership volunteers who are individuals of achievement and distinction and who can make significant contributions to support the work of Wish Granters, including future members of the board.
  8. Sign up for at least one committee each year (Events, Wishes, Fundraising)
  9. After term on board is completed, there is the option to remain and participate on the Advisory Committee.
  10. Actively promote and participate in Wish Granters events.
  11. To speak knowledgeably about Wish Granters, its programs and its goals to the community.
  12. To encourage others, including family, friends, neighbors and employers to become involved in Wish Granters.

Interested applicants should fill out this form and a member of the Executive Committee will be in touch. Generally, board members are voted in during our October meeting and then start their first term in January of the following year. Board members can be voted in mid-year in special circumstances.

The Role of the Advisory Board and the Expectations of Members

The Advisory Board provides advice, support and recommendations to the Board of Directors of Wish Granters to help fulfill the mission of Wish Granters. Help could include building relationships with key organizational stakeholders to enhance concern and awareness for Wish Granters, drive revenue generation, and provide care and support to wish recipients.

Members of the Advisory Board are expected to work individually and collectively to ensure that the Board fulfills its role. To meet that expectation, each Advisory Board member is committed to:

  1. Positively represent Wish Granters in the community.
  2. Provide input to and assist in the board’s strategic implementation plan.
  3. Identify and recruit leadership volunteers who are individuals of achievement and distinction and who can make significant contributions to support the work of Wish Granters, including future members of the board.

Interested applicants should fill out this form and a member of the Executive Committee will be in touch. Advisory board members can join at any time of the year.