Grace Ocker
Board Member
Grace joined Wish Granters as an intern in January 2023, then after her internship was over, she decided to stay involved and become a Board Member! Grace joined the Wish Granters team because she believes in the mission and has always enjoyed connecting with the community.
Grace is currently working towards her Sociology degree at Boise State University with less than
a year left to go. She also has a part-time job working with adults with developmental
disabilities. When not in school or work, oftentimes you can find Grace playing online
games with friends, cooking, traveling, or spending time with her boyfriend.
What mainly drew Grace to working with Wish Granters was being able to help other terminally
ill adults and their families make lasting memories together. This is because she witnessed her
friend’s mother go through multiple types of cancer growing up, and unfortunately she passed
away in May 2014. Grace hopes to make a positive impact within the community and on the
lives of terminally ill adults across Idaho.